Yogurt, sour cream and butter

Here we are. Exit false creamery, let’s taste some real vegetable’s yogurt, sour cream and butter !

How to ? As real ones : with microflora ! That’s it that will give the nut’s taste, as for animals butter. A mastered flora will always be a non-pathogenic flora, I invite you to choose an industrial one (EDIT!) 🙂

So, have a start wiyh yogurth. I’ve often read that it’s not possible with nuts milks. Hey! Well, read here the contrary, it is possible and even much better ! Why? Simply because in vegetable preparations, it is time to put to curdle (tofu is a great product to do this), but never to ferment (yoghurt, fresh cheese, cream) or .. . to refine (cheese)!
Moreover regarding cheeses, I let you go find my other article (still in preparation, as the ripening time is long!), A little patience!

Vegetal/Vegan yogurth

Yogurt ingredients (and utensils):

  • Probiotic (industrial, check that it is not just animal milk …!)
  • Milk (here nuts)
  • A jar, airtight


  1. Mix milk and probiotic and reserve in a hermetically closed jar
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  2. Wait 1 to 2 days, at room temperature, the microflora has had its effect (you can remix it often)
    Note: It is better for you to use a yogurt or oven at the right temperature to minimize the risk of food poisoning (refer to your instruction manual supplied with the probiotic, usually 45°C for 4 to 6 hours)
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  3. Filter using a colander and paper towels (be careful, it may take several hours)
    Note: Preferably, do this step in a refrigerator, always for hygiene’s reasons!
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  4. Yogurth’s done!
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Vegetal/Vegan minute sour cream

Add your coconut cream miso and the effect is quite convincing!

Vegetal/Vegan sour cream

Sour cream is manufactured the same way as yogurt, but will only use coconut milk (which is the richest in saturated fat).

Do not hesitate to mix the liquid if splits into water + cream during the fermentation phase (morning and evening for example).

Depending on your desire for a liquid or more firm cream, simply filter the result or remove part of the water which splitted from the cream in the fermentation phase.

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Filtered cream

White butter – vegetal/vegan

As for sour cream, coco milk is the only one I know that gives a good result ! For your information, only saturated fats are solid at ambiant temperature (butter, coco oil, palm oil).

Now I’m informing, just know that for your recipes, if you’re using butter, you can replace it with oil : in fact, when you’re melting butter, the “solid” quality is not used, only the taste! It’s actually better for your health 🙂

Well, white butter: the steps are exactly those of the cream, and then the cream obtained is filtered and dried two days in a refrigerator.

Churning the butter is useless here. I already tried (with electric mixer) the result is simpler to filter, but I havn’t seen any taste value. If you do not agree, give me how and why! Thank you!

Note 1: It is certainly possible to add grains of salt, but I confess not to be fond of it and do not want to try it…(but surely will increase its conservation)

Note 2: Treat yourself with your toasts or your radishes, butter does not keep for very long! 🙂

2015-01-28 12.17.442015-01-28 12.20.04Butter once detached from the filter and then once packed

Chocolate foam

Now you’re aware of whipped vegan whites. Why not eating a good old chocolate foam ? 🙂

Ingredients : (for 1 ramekin)

  • 50g chikpea’s white
  • 1 teaspoen shaved-packed guar gum
  • A few drops of lemon juice (or cream of tartar)
  • 60g chocolate (I like foams strong, with no sugar at all)
  • Options :
    • Oilseed’s purees/coconut or palm oil/oil (for fat and taste) – Recommendation: about 20g
    • Sugar – Recommendation : about 20g
    • Flavor

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You may have understood by now. For me, nothing’s better than a very strong chocolated foam, so, I leave you options to suit your tastes (chocolate, cream, puree, sugar )


  1. Mix white and guar gum, and Beat those until stiff. Once the whipped white becomes white and a little frothy, add a few drops of lemon juice
    ATTENTION, the texture should be airy, light, evanescent. If you beat for too long, it’ll become as stiff as a marshmallow : this is unpleasant to eat! (for a foam), too few, and it’ll become sticky !
    If the texture is not going as stiff as you’d wanted, add sugar, but caution : it can too stiff within 10 seconds!
  2. Mix melted chocolate with your “options”
  3. Mix very tenderly with the foam, place in a ramekin and avoid eat on, it’s better after a few hours in the fridge!

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Then you’re right : I proposed a recipe for one person, but chocolate’s foam is a solitary pleasure!? No? Well, then triple the dose and you will have what make happy 4 of yours. And if there are children in the number, really, do not hesitate to add cashew puree, soy cream and sugar to sweeten chocolate!

I look forward to know your alternatives!

Chaville’s Meringue

Article uptodate : 03/24/15 (added american meringue!)

Ah, France, Italy, Switzerland … what greedy country! And most importantly, necessary basis for our desserts!

Une meringue végétale, vegan, végétalienne

So, why chaville ? Indeed, it has been created there. I’m also tired of v-recipes or false-things. So. This meringue is not of Soy Protein Isolate and just : “meringue of SPI”… oh, not so bad in english after all… LOL

American meringue

What fly bites me, American? it does not exist !!! Hey! Well, now, though! Combine the power of chickpea resourcefulness and you get what revolutionize the meringue since this variation allows a meringue “minute”, but also “Swiss” and why not “French”! What’s great with this method is that it is carried out “hot” and that eliminates the steps and gum! No more rubber research, here the “new meringue”!


  • 50g white chickpea
  • Caster sugar 30g (actually up to you)
  • A few drops of lemon juice (I didn’t try with tartar cream)


  1. Combine white and sugar
  2. Bring to a boil and let it boil (for quantities above 1 minute, in fact, until the mixture wants to escape from the pan). You can boil it down by 2.
  3. Remove from heat
  4. Whisk (you can wait a while for it to cool or careful not burn yourself!)
  5. When the foam begins (white, homogeneous, without liquid), add the lemon juice
  6. Still beat a few minutes until the mixture sticks to the pan (the pan back: nothing must fall ^^)


Italian way

No cooking, just wait till the foam to cool then poach it!

French way

Make the pastry bag meringues 3 cm maximum diameter and cook at 90 ° C for 2 hours (depends on whether you want them or that they munch a flux core)

Swiss way

Wait until the foam is cold before poaching, and draw your huge meringues with piping bag! Bake at 90 ° C for many hours!

Tips and Tricks

  1. White does not like being assaulted, it is preferable to mount it at a constant speed for good expansion, this prevents foams to regive a little water
  2. Lack of volume: too much water
  3. Meringues oozing/sticking: white not enough mounted, undercooked or cooked too fast
  4. Meringues too fair: too high temperature, cooking time too long
  5. Hollow interior, delicate meringue: too hot cooking

For more tips and tricks, see vegetals foams: you’ll then understand my recipes! 🙂

The historical recipe

My first meringue recipe, I think gradually abandon, even if you can see it is quite technical! (and if you read the tips and tricks of the vegetals foams page, you will increase your mastery!) ^^

Ingredients :

  • 50g chickpeas white
  • 2 teaspoons much convexed of starch (corn for me)
  • 1 teaspoon shavec-packed gum guar
  • 30g white sugar
  • A few drops of lemon juice (or tartar cream)

Preparation :

  1. Mix white, starch and guar
  2. Whisk. When the foam has taken (becomes white), add lemon juice.
  3. Continue beating and then add the sugar until a texture that will stick to the drummer (type marshmallow)
  4. On a sheet of parchment paper into small piles of foam (3 cm in maximum diameter), or use a piping bag

Cooking :

  1. Preheat oven to 90 ° C.
  2. Cook 3h at 90 ° C, preferably on a grid
  3. Return all meringues and let dry in the oven, on a grill (for even drying)
  4. Remove and store the meringues, except for those which are not fully hard, which may then return to the oven (depending on their size)

Conservation :

Preserve quickly enough from moisture (when they have cooled) in a box of iron or sealed (I put rice in a paper towel on the bottom of my box). We can recook them if they soften a little in the following days!

Variants :

  1. A Soy Protein isolate is well known
  2. To remove lemon taste (not strong), use tartar cream

Théorie & Mousse

Foam, what madness takes me! Maybe the lightness, the small frischt” on the spoon and based on the tongue The foam, a true vegan problem when you know that the only foam known by now is from egg white!

Of course, an emulsion can be used to achieve this end, but there’s no miracle, and much fat !No, not for me. So I learned from molecular cuisine! Why? Hey! Well, to learn about foam, and quickly explain my approach:

Foam, from a technical point of view, is two things: a discontinuous phase (molecules do not touch) formed gas bubbles, and a continuous phase (molecules touching) formed with protein pellets. In fact, when beating protein liquid, they are held and cling together, forming these balls.

There are natural ones, for example on the beer! But the best known is that of eggs, because it is stable! 🙂 And besides, why some foams are more stable than others? Hey! Well, that is related to their viscosity: the more viscous they are, the more stable they are.

One another small technical point: a foam is not an emulsion (whipped cream or salad dressing). An emulsion, is also the mixture of a continuous phase and a discontinuous phase, but this time, the two phases are liquids. Then using a surfactant to stabilize the emulsion (a molecule that attaches to two phases and holds them together, such as lecithin, which binds to the water on one side, and the fat of the other) .dropoff window Then we can introduce air bubbles, which are stabilized by proteins (read above), but only cold.

Depending on the use, add various ingredients:

  • Thickener: guar gum. It produces a denser foam
  • Texturing: starch. It will dry foam and lighten the texture
  • Stabilizers:
    • Cream of tartar, lemon juice, vinegar
    • Sugar

Mousse de pois chiches
For substrates: see Uncooked foams

And now a little practice with meringues, cookies, floating islands and even Genoese!