Vegan tiramisu – Soymilk Mission!

When creamery meets foam… nothing can ever separate them!

00OK - Tiramisu - Révolution  végétale -

So let short because the recipe is quite long (if you do everything home, and there will be the case)

Step 1: Vegan mascarpone

You already know the creamery, here is an alternative:


  • 75g Cashew
  • 75g Soy yogurt (it contains ferments I want here)


  1. Soak cashews from 2 to 6 hours, then drain and mix them as thinly as possible (ideally to have a non-grainy paste, soak rather 6h)
  2. Mix the paste of cashew yogurt, close the jar
  3. Wait 15 to 20 hours, or better, 4 to 6 hours at 45 ° C
  4. In addition, chill!

Step 2: Preparation of vegetal white

So this time, I’ll use tofu whey (and then I prepare a tofu marinade with the rests, it changes from hummus ^^).


  • 1L of soy milk (calcium enriched)
  • 2 teaspoons of Nigari (most neutral taste, if not lemon juice or vinegar will do)


  1. Boil the milk
  2. At boiling, turn off the heat, add nigari and wait 20 minutes
  3. Using a container and cheesecloth strainer, separate tofu and tofu whey

Step 2a: making a tofu marinade (optional)

That is, rather than saying nothing, I give you my tofu marinade recipe:


  • (Tofu from the previous step)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds


  1. Mix all
  2. After a maximum of 1 hour, remove the mixture through cheesecloth, a container, and place a heavy object on
  3. Place in the refrigerator until you get the desired consistency (very close to me)

Note: Have a special box to make his tofu, it’s still easier!

Note 2: can also be cooked with a pan!

Step 3: Vegan boudoirs

You already know them, but I give you other ingredients!


  • 100g vegetal white
  • 100g of sugar
  • 100g Flarch (50g and 50g flour starch)
  • 65g Purthin (20g cashew puree and soy cream)

Preparation: here is my basic recipe variant (faster I think)

  1. Mix white sugar, boil and reduce by half (about)
  2. Beat until stiff until it takes if you return the container (about ten minutes)
  3. Add flarch (gently with a spatula)
  4. Add purthin (gently with a spatula)
  5. If the device lacks texture (too thin), add the flour (and let me note below ^^)
  6. Poach and bake at 200 ° C for 30 minutes


Step 4: Vegan Tiramisu


  • 150g vegan mascarpone (see step 1)
  • 70g vegetable white (step 2: tofu whey)
  • Sugar 60g
  • Vanilla or vanilla sugar
  • Purthin 50g (20g cashew puree and soy cream)
  • Vegan boudoirs (step 3)
  • Coffee
  • Amaretto (or other alcohol or without alcohol!)
  • Chocolate powder, bitter


  1. Mix white sugar, boil and reduce by half (about)
  2. Beat until stiff until it takes if you return the container (about ten minutes)
  3. Add purthin (gently with a spatula)
  4. Add the vegan mascarpone (gently with a spatula)


  1. Put amaretto in coffee (depending on your taste – in moderation)
  2. Soak your biscuits. If it is soft, 3 seconds, they are very hard, soak 1 minute
  3. At the bottom of a ramekin, make layers of biscuits / unit as much as you want!

At serving time only, remove the bitter chocolate (with a stamen is even cleaner)

 00OK - Tiramisu2 - Révolution  végétale -

9 thoughts on “Vegan tiramisu – Soymilk Mission!

  1. Joel this is amazing! You are seriously the king of invention. A gorgeous recipe and perfect for special occasions. Thank you for the amazing share 🙂

  2. Pingback: Les recettes venues d’ailleurs | recettesvgsm

  3. Salut !
    J’ai essayé de faire juste les boudoirs en suivant cette recette mais en 15 minutes au four c’était presque complètement cramé :'( Du coup tu es sûr-e des modalités de cuisson que tu indiques ?

  4. Bonjour,

    Tout d’abord merci pour votre blog, vegan que je suis et frustrée de pâtisserie à la texture raffinée c’est en effet une révolution !
    Ayant essayé quelques recettes avec succès, je rejoins le commentaire précédent, au bout de 10mn, tout était presque cramé à 200°C chaleur tournante (et encore, j’avais pas prudence réglé mon four un peu capricieux sur 180°C). Les boudoirs n’ont donc pas monté du tout (le goût est bon).
    En revanche, j’arrive à monter l’aquafaba sans passer par la phase de cuisson (avec le sucre), est-ce indispensable ? Cela pourrait-il expliquer l’absence de gonflement (en dehors de la température) ? Encore merci !

    • Bonjour, c’est difficile à dire, parfois il suffit d’un four capricieux ou trop performant (par rapport au mien…) pour que les températures et les temps de cuisson différent… ! 🙂

  5. Bonsoir, pour votre Purthine, pour la préparer, si je comprend bien, il faut 20 gr de cajou et 20 gr de crème de soja que l’on mixe ? Faut il les faire tremper 2 heures avant (les cajou).
    Merci pour vos précisions.

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